Home-Services -Repair and maintenance Manual

5.3 Clearance automatic adjustment mechanism replacement

Working process:

  1. Based on part 5.1, remove the pad retainer and pads;
  2. Use special tools to remove the floating pin cap, use the inner hexagonal spanner to take off the floating pin bolt, and remove the caliper from the bracket, clean the contact surface of the bracket;
  3. Use snap spring clamp to remove the pad support snap spring, take off the pad support, use the inner hexagonal spanner to remove the upper cover bolt;
  4. Take off the bridge assembly in the caliper cavity.


  1. Clean the stain inside the caliper cavity;
  2. Smear the lubricating oil to the caliper cavity bush ,then put into the return spring, and put it in the bridge assembly;
  3. Install the needle roller assembly2, lever 3 on the bridge1;                                          
  4. Smear the sealant to the cap seal groove and then use the torque wrench to tighten the bolt based on the principle of diagonal;


  1. Do not damage the tappet boot;
  2. Ensure tightening moment of the bolt;